Embrace Change With Us!
Andrea Hemmer Andrea Hemmer

Embrace Change With Us!

In this edition, we delve into the essence of positive culture – a vibrant, living force that resides within our homes and workspaces. Drawing inspiration from the insightful words of my late mentor, Judith Glaser, let's explore how the quality of our relationships and conversations shapes the very fabric of our lives.

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Unlocking Mastery: Nurturing Your Inner World for Happiness
Andrea Hemmer Andrea Hemmer

Unlocking Mastery: Nurturing Your Inner World for Happiness

In this edition, we delve into the essence of positive culture – a vibrant, living force that resides within our homes and workspaces. Drawing inspiration from the insightful words of my late mentor, Judith Glaser, let's explore how the quality of our relationships and conversations shapes the very fabric of our lives.

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Nurturing a Positive Culture: The Power of Conversations and Relationships
Andrea Hemmer Andrea Hemmer

Nurturing a Positive Culture: The Power of Conversations and Relationships

In this edition, we delve into the essence of positive culture – a vibrant, living force that resides within our homes and workspaces. Drawing inspiration from the insightful words of my late mentor, Judith Glaser, let's explore how the quality of our relationships and conversations shapes the very fabric of our lives.

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Mirroring Ourselves in Others: Self-Reflection Practices for Deeper Awareness
Andrea Hemmer Andrea Hemmer

Mirroring Ourselves in Others: Self-Reflection Practices for Deeper Awareness

Have you ever found yourself irritated by someone with whom you once cherished spending time? As someone deeply fascinated by human behavior, I've pondered this phenomenon at length. Humans, by nature, are highly adaptable. Over time, we tend to adopt the beliefs and behaviors of those with whom we’re close. The saying goes, "You become who you surround yourself with," and I find truth in that. By tuning into how we mirror ourselves in others, we can embrace self-reflection practices to develop our deeper inner awareness.

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Mastering Our Inner Energy Through Emotional Intelligence, Meditation and Journaling
Andrea Hemmer Andrea Hemmer

Mastering Our Inner Energy Through Emotional Intelligence, Meditation and Journaling

Have you ever considered the power of the energy you carry with you daily? The energy radiating from within shapes our external world. Daniel Goleman's research on emotional intelligence reveals that we have more influence over our emotions than we might believe. Utilizing simple tools such as journaling, meditation and emotion tracking, we can master our inner energy.

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Shifting Perspectives Through Curiosity, Possibilities and Awareness
Andrea Hemmer Andrea Hemmer

Shifting Perspectives Through Curiosity, Possibilities and Awareness

Have you ever paused to observe the questions that arise within you each day? Throughout our daily lives, we find ourselves constantly engaged in an inner dialogue of questioning. These questions shape our decisions and actions, influencing the reality we experience. Recognizing the patterns of inquiry that shape our day and understanding how we frame these questions is the key to shaping our outcomes. By prioritizing curiosity, possibilities and awareness, we can shift our perspectives.

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Turning Inward: Nurturing Mind-Body Connection for a Healthier, Happier Life
Andrea Hemmer Andrea Hemmer

Turning Inward: Nurturing Mind-Body Connection for a Healthier, Happier Life

Our feelings speak through our bodies, and our thoughts shape our minds. When we learn to manage both, we unlock a powerful mind-body connection that leads to holistic well-being. By tuning into your awareness and connecting with your inner world daily, you begin to have a stronger sense of yourself. Your inner confidence and power expand, knowing you have the ability to manage yourself in any situation. Turning inward is the key to nurturing this aspect of you for a healthier, happier life.

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Journaling to Uncover Your Patterns and Signals for Great Communication
Andrea Hemmer Andrea Hemmer

Journaling to Uncover Your Patterns and Signals for Great Communication

The relationships in our lives shape us and our realities. We therefore all have a responsibility to bring our best selves to the moments we connect with each other, such as our conversational spaces. When we’re conscious about how we show up and monitor these behaviors regularly through journaling and awareness, we continue learning and practicing ways to use our words and cues to make others feel seen, heard and connected. Our patterns and signals dictate the greatness of our communications.

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Words Carry Energy, Power and Meaning
Andrea Hemmer Andrea Hemmer

Words Carry Energy, Power and Meaning

Words have the power to support and encourage us as we strive for our biggest dreams, and they also have the power to stop us in our tracks before taking the first steps toward all that we want in life. When we’re born and begin learning to navigate the world, we pick up on energy, non-verbal cues and the words that are happening all around us. This is part of our human development and becomes a significant piece of who we are today, as adults. It’s surprising how little focus and awareness there is about the influence of these factors in our lives from such a young age. There is incredible power, meaning and energy in words and how we all use them, with ourselves and toward others.

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Cultivate Your Mental Toughness with Mindfulness and Healthy Daily Habits
Andrea Hemmer Andrea Hemmer

Cultivate Your Mental Toughness with Mindfulness and Healthy Daily Habits

What comes to mind when you hear the term mental toughness? This is a tool we can build and strengthen with regular practice to consistently feel good in our minds and bodies. It’s cultivated through our routines, learning to manage our emotions, recognizing our needs and creating healthy daily habits.

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What You Give, You Get: Embracing the Universal Law through Intention and Positivity
Andrea Hemmer Andrea Hemmer

What You Give, You Get: Embracing the Universal Law through Intention and Positivity

One of the primary laws of the universe is “What you give, you get.” I like to look at this as the power of reciprocity! An easy way to start working with this law is to set a morning intention each day. I set mine around something positive. Today my intention is to be kind, creative and full of light energy to share with those I meet. This is the first step in my day to send positivity out into the universe.

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What Do You Love? The Intersection of Falling in Love with Your Work, Success and Fulfillment
Andrea Hemmer Andrea Hemmer

What Do You Love? The Intersection of Falling in Love with Your Work, Success and Fulfillment

Did you know that a majority of people do work they are good at, but don’t love, instead of the work they’re great at AND love? This is a sad fact, as these are drastically different situations that affect us deeply. It is entirely possible to love your work, find success and experience fulfillment. I would love to invite you to take a look at your day-to-day responsibilities and your work. If I asked you if you LOVE what you do on a daily basis, how would you respond? Do you love the way you spend the majority of your time?

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Free Will and Great Health
Andrea Hemmer Andrea Hemmer

Free Will and Great Health

Life really is about making choices. We have free will to decide our thoughts, how we manage our lives and care for our health. No one can take that away from you. I remember when my awareness expanded while reading the book Man’s Search for Meaning and I had the realization that no one can control what we think about.

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Let Your Heart Lead the Way
Andrea Hemmer Andrea Hemmer

Let Your Heart Lead the Way

We all have big dreams and aspirations that live deep inside us. Some are known and some are waiting to come out. We can tap into our dreams and aspirations, our guiding light, by tuning into our heart center each day, and inviting it to lead the way and inform our life and leadership. You might be amazed at what it’s trying to tell you.

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Manifesting More of What You Want in Your Life
Andrea Hemmer Andrea Hemmer

Manifesting More of What You Want in Your Life

With each new year we feel a burst of inspiration and a fresh perspective for the positive changes we’re going to make in our lives. Let’s turn the focus to practices such as manifesting and journaling, instead of resolutions. Many of us were taught from a young age that resolutions are the way to implement this change. However, research shows that by day 11, the momentum runs dry and we’re left feeling defeated and guilty for not being able to stay true to these resolutions. This perceived failure actually has the opposite effect than what we intended: negative belief systems are created around goal setting and commitment, which aren’t necessarily true.

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Conversation and Communication: Words Are Powerful
Andrea Hemmer Andrea Hemmer

Conversation and Communication: Words Are Powerful

Conversation is our greatest tool to connect with others. Our words and non-verbal cues can either enhance or diminish our connections, through communication. They either build trust or create distrust. It would have been so helpful and life-changing if we had known from a young age the power our words hold. What we do with them and how we use them matters.

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Leadership: Heart & Mindfulness
Andrea Hemmer Andrea Hemmer

Leadership: Heart & Mindfulness

Have you ever thought about where you lead from in your leadership? What if you had an intention every day to lead your life and leadership with your heart first and then your head? Mindfulness is key. Leading from your heart requires your awareness and faith to thrive in this unique intelligence system.

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Managing Constant Change
Andrea Hemmer Andrea Hemmer

Managing Constant Change

Throughout life, although managing change is constant, it’s one of the hardest things for people to move through and adapt. It’s also how we grow, become more resilient and develop confidence throughout life. We’ve seen an abundance of change on a collective level in recent years as the entire world has been adapting to continuous shifts through the global pandemic.

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Gratitude for Meditation
Andrea Hemmer Andrea Hemmer

Gratitude for Meditation

My meditation journey began as a tool I never knew I needed. My life has shifted in significant ways since I began meditating, and I’d like to discuss my gratitude for this practice which is so transformative and has the power to affect your life in positive ways as well.

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The Story Behind GEMS: Gratitude, Experience, Meaning, Self-Reflection
Andrea Hemmer Andrea Hemmer

The Story Behind GEMS: Gratitude, Experience, Meaning, Self-Reflection

In the work I do to mindfully lead, coach and teach leaders, I shine an awareness on the lessons we all encounter on our life’s journeys. You have the power to embrace these lessons, recognize their impact in your life and through introspection, process these lessons through journaling and other tools. These lessons are GEMS.

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