Shifting Perspectives Through Curiosity, Possibilities and Awareness

Perspectives curiosity possibilities awareness

Have you ever paused to observe the questions that arise within you each day? Throughout our daily lives, we find ourselves constantly engaged in an inner dialogue of questioning. These questions shape our decisions and actions, influencing the reality we experience. Recognizing the patterns of inquiry that shape our day and understanding how we frame these questions is the key to shaping our outcomes. By prioritizing curiosity, possibilities and awareness, we can shift our perspectives.

Consider this: there are two types of questions we often pose to ourselves — those rooted in judgment and those grounded in learning. Judgmental questions typically stem from stress, fear, fatigue, or feelings of unworthiness. On the other hand, learning-oriented questions emerge from a place of openness in our thinking. They spring from courage, problem-solving instincts, and the desire to find solutions. These inquiries don't threaten us; instead, they inspire us to explore the unknown. By asking learning questions, we can unlock new perspectives and possibilities.

Our lives are marked by patterns, including the questions we direct inwardly. However, with heightened self-awareness, we can introduce new questions and unveil fresh insights. As we adapt our questions, our actions naturally follow suit, leading to transformative moments. Think of curiosity as a muscle; the more we exercise it in novel ways, the more it flourishes. 

Here are a few of my favorite questions that can help you shift from judgmental queries to learning-driven inquiries:

  • What perspectives have I yet to explore?

  • How can I shift my focus to something that brings positivity now?

  • In what ways can I turn this idea into a possibility aligned with my desires?

  • What version of myself do I want to present in this very moment?

I love using my Intelligent Huddles Discovery Deck and these learning-focused questions as prompts for journaling. By engaging in this practice, we can rewire our minds to prioritize possibilities over judgment, leading us away from feelings of defeat.

Let curiosity be your guide, as you embrace the power of questions to shape your journey towards greater understanding and growth.

Moment of Introspection & Leadership:

I firmly believe that leaders capable of effectively managing their emotions during conflicts possess an enhanced capacity to make well-informed decisions. Nurturing curiosity and mastering the art of posing insightful questions is a transformative path toward becoming not only improved leaders but also more effective partners. With over 15 years of experience as a coach, my journey has imbued me with profound appreciation for honing my curiosity. While progress remains a constant theme in my work, refining my ability to craft impactful questions—both for myself and others—continues to be an ongoing endeavor. 

Curiosity, I've learned, is an ever-evolving trait, an enduring journey of growth. This understanding fuels my inspiration and drives my desire to perpetually evolve. Regardless of whether you currently hold a leadership role or are a coach, I urge you to seize a moment and make a personal commitment: strive to become the most exceptional leader and coach in your own life. Initiate the practice of nurturing your curiosity. Begin by formulating three learning questions, then create an undistracted environment for yourself, allowing your thoughts to flow, unedited. In these moments, your inner compass will manifest, and your profound wisdom will emerge, guiding you toward self-discovery and purpose.

“If I had an hour to solve a problem and my life depended on the solution, I would spend the first 55 minutes determining the proper question to ask, for once I know the proper question, I could solve the problem in less than five minutes.

Albert Einstein


What do I aspire to learn more of about myself?

In what areas do I wish I had more time to develop?


What possibilities are available for us today?


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