About Drea


I’ve been on a journey to become the best version of myself for many years. I’ve discovered this is a life-long process. My first step into this journey started in my early 20’s. I was lost in life, living only for the next party or event that would distract me from knowing I had no real direction in life. The highs were high and the lows were low. I knew there had to be a better way to live my life.

Once I woke up in this awareness and realized I could change, I began doing the work to bring more purpose and joy into my life. I started soaking up mindfulness practices, hiring amazing coaches, and surrounding myself with a strong team and leaders. I created a healthy work environment, focused on meaningful relationships and began traveling the world to experience the rituals of spiritual masters.

Today I am the author of the book Intelligent Huddles. I’m a Certified Conversational Intelligence Coach, thought leader and the owner of two successful businesses, both of which survived and are thriving after the Great Recession of 2008 and the recent global pandemic .

My mission is teaching and supporting people, leaders and teams as they learn to embrace the power of words and skillfully communicate in their inner and outer worlds. This strengthens relationships from the inside, out. Words matter, and create our worlds. They carry energy and can be used as a conscious communication tool that develops, strengthens and recovers trust in ourselves and all of our relationships.

I have developed a set of communication systems and tools that have been tested and proven to succeed in the most extreme circumstances.  My passion is sharing these tools and supporting you to become the best version of yourself, through the effectiveness of your conversations.

I coach leaders and teams through a series of online webinars and in-person workshops. My presentations center around trust, communication and systems that support healthy work environments and culture.

Let’s start our journey together

Just follow these three easy steps.


Step #1

Drop me a note so we can connect.


Step #2

Set up a discovery call to find out what your most important needs are right now.


Step #3

Discuss a plan to get started.