Embrace Change With Us!
Andrea Hemmer Andrea Hemmer

Embrace Change With Us!

In this edition, we delve into the essence of positive culture – a vibrant, living force that resides within our homes and workspaces. Drawing inspiration from the insightful words of my late mentor, Judith Glaser, let's explore how the quality of our relationships and conversations shapes the very fabric of our lives.

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Unlocking Mastery: Nurturing Your Inner World for Happiness
Andrea Hemmer Andrea Hemmer

Unlocking Mastery: Nurturing Your Inner World for Happiness

In this edition, we delve into the essence of positive culture – a vibrant, living force that resides within our homes and workspaces. Drawing inspiration from the insightful words of my late mentor, Judith Glaser, let's explore how the quality of our relationships and conversations shapes the very fabric of our lives.

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Nurturing a Positive Culture: The Power of Conversations and Relationships
Andrea Hemmer Andrea Hemmer

Nurturing a Positive Culture: The Power of Conversations and Relationships

In this edition, we delve into the essence of positive culture – a vibrant, living force that resides within our homes and workspaces. Drawing inspiration from the insightful words of my late mentor, Judith Glaser, let's explore how the quality of our relationships and conversations shapes the very fabric of our lives.

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Mirroring Ourselves in Others: Self-Reflection Practices for Deeper Awareness
Andrea Hemmer Andrea Hemmer

Mirroring Ourselves in Others: Self-Reflection Practices for Deeper Awareness

Have you ever found yourself irritated by someone with whom you once cherished spending time? As someone deeply fascinated by human behavior, I've pondered this phenomenon at length. Humans, by nature, are highly adaptable. Over time, we tend to adopt the beliefs and behaviors of those with whom we’re close. The saying goes, "You become who you surround yourself with," and I find truth in that. By tuning into how we mirror ourselves in others, we can embrace self-reflection practices to develop our deeper inner awareness.

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Mastering Our Inner Energy Through Emotional Intelligence, Meditation and Journaling
Andrea Hemmer Andrea Hemmer

Mastering Our Inner Energy Through Emotional Intelligence, Meditation and Journaling

Have you ever considered the power of the energy you carry with you daily? The energy radiating from within shapes our external world. Daniel Goleman's research on emotional intelligence reveals that we have more influence over our emotions than we might believe. Utilizing simple tools such as journaling, meditation and emotion tracking, we can master our inner energy.

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Shifting Perspectives Through Curiosity, Possibilities and Awareness
Andrea Hemmer Andrea Hemmer

Shifting Perspectives Through Curiosity, Possibilities and Awareness

Have you ever paused to observe the questions that arise within you each day? Throughout our daily lives, we find ourselves constantly engaged in an inner dialogue of questioning. These questions shape our decisions and actions, influencing the reality we experience. Recognizing the patterns of inquiry that shape our day and understanding how we frame these questions is the key to shaping our outcomes. By prioritizing curiosity, possibilities and awareness, we can shift our perspectives.

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Embrace Lightness: Let Go of Being So Serious to Discover Flexibility, Mindfulness and Joy
Andrea Hemmer Andrea Hemmer

Embrace Lightness: Let Go of Being So Serious to Discover Flexibility, Mindfulness and Joy

Have you ever paused to contemplate how life would be different if you took a break from being so serious? Let’s give it a try: Imagine the joy that could be possible when things don't go according to plan, or when you release the burden of chasing perfection. Life tosses us numerous curveballs, as I’m sure you’ve experienced; navigating its highs and lows often comes with unexpected surprises. How do you react in those pivotal moments throughout your day? Is frustration or resistance your common reaction, or does a change in your plan bring out your curiosity and sense of wonder? How could releasing control invite more flexibility, mindfulness and joy into your life?

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Redefining Self-Care: It’s More Than Just a Day at the Spa!
Andrea Hemmer Andrea Hemmer

Redefining Self-Care: It’s More Than Just a Day at the Spa!

In our fast-paced lives, we often believe that self-care requires expensive spa visits or time we simply don't have. But let's challenge that notion together. Self-care isn't just about extravagant treats; it's a mindset and a series of small, meaningful actions that can make a world of difference. Redefining self-care as a daily practice has a significant ripple effect in how we feel and show up each day to achieve our dreams.

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Mastering the Art of Mindful Communication
Andrea Hemmer Andrea Hemmer

Mastering the Art of Mindful Communication

In our journey toward becoming better communicators, understanding the intricate workings of our minds is essential. Our minds are wired to keep us safe and protect us. Every 0.007 seconds, our brains diligently scan the environment, detecting potential threats through our senses – words, non-verbal cues, energy and scents. When the mind perceives danger, it triggers our primal survival response, releasing cortisol and prompting the "fight, flight, freeze or appease" mode. Let’s talk about how to master the art of mindful communication.

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Enhance Your Self-Worth for a More Fulfilling Life
Andrea Hemmer Andrea Hemmer

Enhance Your Self-Worth for a More Fulfilling Life

Self-worth is a multidimensional aspect of our lives that profoundly impacts our self-confidence, decision-making and the thoughts we empower. By cultivating awareness, we can enrich our sense of self and experience greater richness in life, making it more fulfilling in the process. While confidence encompasses various areas, let's focus on an essential aspect: the first two hours of your day. Mornings set the tone for the entire day, illuminating potential blind spots in our confidence levels regarding relationships, work, body image and health.

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Cultivating Meaningful Relationships: A Path to Personal Growth
Andrea Hemmer Andrea Hemmer

Cultivating Meaningful Relationships: A Path to Personal Growth

Relationships, like everything in life, have their own time and season. When we navigate the storms together and emerge stronger, it signifies our readiness for deeper connections. Reflecting on our life's relationships reveals the truth that people come and go for a reason. As we consider the finite time we have on this earth, it becomes crucial to be mindful of how we invest our time. Meaningful relationships offer a powerful opportunity to connect with others and satisfy our innate need for belonging, while providing a path for personal growth. However, we must remain vigilant about the company we keep, ensuring alignment with our values and integrity. Extensive research confirms that we adopt similar behaviors to those we surround ourselves with, emphasizing the impact of our relationships.

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Turning Inward: Nurturing Mind-Body Connection for a Healthier, Happier Life
Andrea Hemmer Andrea Hemmer

Turning Inward: Nurturing Mind-Body Connection for a Healthier, Happier Life

Our feelings speak through our bodies, and our thoughts shape our minds. When we learn to manage both, we unlock a powerful mind-body connection that leads to holistic well-being. By tuning into your awareness and connecting with your inner world daily, you begin to have a stronger sense of yourself. Your inner confidence and power expand, knowing you have the ability to manage yourself in any situation. Turning inward is the key to nurturing this aspect of you for a healthier, happier life.

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Journaling to Uncover Your Patterns and Signals for Great Communication
Andrea Hemmer Andrea Hemmer

Journaling to Uncover Your Patterns and Signals for Great Communication

The relationships in our lives shape us and our realities. We therefore all have a responsibility to bring our best selves to the moments we connect with each other, such as our conversational spaces. When we’re conscious about how we show up and monitor these behaviors regularly through journaling and awareness, we continue learning and practicing ways to use our words and cues to make others feel seen, heard and connected. Our patterns and signals dictate the greatness of our communications.

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Striving Toward Non-Striving with Mindfulness and Awareness
Andrea Hemmer Andrea Hemmer

Striving Toward Non-Striving with Mindfulness and Awareness

How do we know when to act and when to let go? When to push for something, whether it’s toward a goal, an achievement, an aspiration, and when to relax and find ease? As humans we are conditioned to stay busy. When we are not doing anything we feel like we are wasting a day. For example, we work so hard to be able to go on vacation and take mental breaks, yet as quickly as we get time away, we feel guilty or uncomfortable doing nothing. When we are not moving, are minds are busier than ever searching for what we could do to feel “productive.” How do we know when to move and when to just be? Mindfulness training and awareness are the keys to finding balance between striving and non-striving.

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Daily Awareness for Leaving a Powerful Legacy and Imprint in this Life
Andrea Hemmer Andrea Hemmer

Daily Awareness for Leaving a Powerful Legacy and Imprint in this Life

Each day our actions and words create a ripple effect in this world. Have you ever taken a moment to consider the impact you’re making on the world, and how you will have impacted it and others when you’re gone? What would others share about you at your funeral? For some this is uncomfortable to think about, however these questions create important insights you can embrace now for a more meaningful life that touches others. Daily awareness is a tool that will help you leave a powerful legacy in life.

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Ground Your Wondering Mind with Mindfulness
Andrea Hemmer Andrea Hemmer

Ground Your Wondering Mind with Mindfulness

Did you know that your mind’s desire to wonder is its default mode? Having a sense of wonder can inspire or hinder us, and the determining factor is mindfulness. Through conscious intention and awareness, we become empowered to choose and create a life that is open to possibility rooted in the positive aspects of wonder.

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Understanding Your Unmet Needs
Andrea Hemmer Andrea Hemmer

Understanding Your Unmet Needs

Try this thought on for a moment: Reflect on the last time you were in a conversation and started feeling upset or angry. Was the person you were conversing with taking over the conversational space, or not listening to you? Were you excited to share your ideas, only to be overshadowed by someone blurting out all their ideas in a one-sided speech? Now take a step back into the present. Ask yourself: What did I need during that interaction that I did not receive? Perhaps you needed to be heard, and not being heard created a feeling of anger. Using curiosity, you can better understand your unmet needs and how to satisfy them.

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Self-Awareness Leads to Self-Regulation
Andrea Hemmer Andrea Hemmer

Self-Awareness Leads to Self-Regulation

Do you ever feel like your emotions sweep you away and that you have very little control over how long they have a hold over you? For most people, this is a very common pattern. It leads to unhealthy thoughts, limiting beliefs, and sometimes hopelessness as we worry that we’re too emotional and have no control over this. In fact, the reality is that self-awareness leads to self-regulation.

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Change Your Life by Raising Your Standards
Andrea Hemmer Andrea Hemmer

Change Your Life by Raising Your Standards

Have you ever heard that to change your life you need to raise your standards? And have you ever wondered what your standards are, how you created them and more importantly, how you can raise them?

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Using Curiosity to Celebrate Your Wins and Avoid Self-Sabotage
Andrea Hemmer Andrea Hemmer

Using Curiosity to Celebrate Your Wins and Avoid Self-Sabotage

Most people carry around beliefs that they are not enough. Do you have thoughts like this that lead to feelings of overwhelm, like you’re not doing enough, and result in self-sabotage? You’re not alone. It’s difficult to resist feeling stressed and even depressed when witnessing others around us doing great things in their lives, let alone celebrate our wins. Curiosity is a tool we can embrace to shift our focus from comparing and feeling inadequate, to becoming more present in life and capturing what we’re doing that IS working.

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