Self-Awareness Leads to Self-Regulation

self-awareness self-regulation emotions

Do you ever feel like your emotions sweep you away and that you have very little control over how long they have a hold over you? For most people, this is a very common pattern. It leads to unhealthy thoughts, limiting beliefs, and sometimes hopelessness as we worry that we’re too emotional and have no control over this. In fact, the reality is that self-awareness leads to self-regulation.

The stories you continuously repeat to yourself are untrue 90% of the time! As we’ve discussed previously, our thoughts lead to our beliefs, and our minds use these beliefs to create stories which cause an abundance of unnecessary worry. The words you repeat within cause a chemical reaction in your brain which creates feelings of stress.

Can you imagine worrying less? By becoming more aware of your thoughts, you can self-regulate your emotions. Research has now proven that we can rewire our thinking. By doing so, we can generate new stories of who we are and change the ways our emotions override us.

80% of the thoughts you have today are the same thoughts you had yesterday. To regulate your stress, worry and emotions, you must expand your awareness around your thoughts. 

Mindfulness is the way to strengthen your self-awareness; sitting quietly for five minutes a day will increase your attention of your thought patterns. Then you have the power to get curious, challenge them, and start to focus on better-feeling thoughts which are always available to you. Remember, beliefs are just repeating thoughts. When you stop the repetitive story line in your mind and choose a new one, your beliefs improve and begin supporting you, resulting in greater happiness and wellbeing! 

Moment of Introspection & Leadership:

In my early years of leadership I remember when my emotions led the way. When I was unable to manage these emotions, I couldn’t reflect and see how my decision making was not as strong as it could be, because of this pattern. Ruminating thoughts led to sleepless nights and feeling unwell. Life felt very overwhelming.

When I would hear about meditation, I resisted it. I had a limiting belief that it wasn’t for me, that my mind was too busy to do it successfully, and the last thing I had time to do was sit in a room and do nothing. Over time, the message of meditation kept increasing and becoming louder; it felt like I would see or hear something about it daily. 

 There came a time when my anxiety became so bad that I was desperate and ready to try something different to find relief. I had no idea that experimenting with the app called Headspace, combined with daily discipline, would be the medicine I needed to get control of my emotions. Now it’s been two years since I was able to stop taking anti-anxiety medication! 

Mindfulness has shown me how to have control over my emotions and self-regulate, instead of them running my life, causing stress and anxiety. This practice has helped me move ahead in life without chronic overwhelm, finding more peace and joy through being aware. I encourage you to get curious and experiment with these practices, taking note of how your ability to self-regulate grows each week!

Knowledge of the self is the mother of all knowledge.”

Kahlil Gibran


How does anger/grief/anxiety present in my body?

What thoughts, beliefs or stories am I holding onto that no longer serve me?


Where can we focus on growing our awareness as a team, that would support our success?


Understanding Your Unmet Needs


Change Your Life by Raising Your Standards