Journaling to Uncover Your Patterns and Signals for Great Communication
Andrea Hemmer Andrea Hemmer

Journaling to Uncover Your Patterns and Signals for Great Communication

The relationships in our lives shape us and our realities. We therefore all have a responsibility to bring our best selves to the moments we connect with each other, such as our conversational spaces. When we’re conscious about how we show up and monitor these behaviors regularly through journaling and awareness, we continue learning and practicing ways to use our words and cues to make others feel seen, heard and connected. Our patterns and signals dictate the greatness of our communications.

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Striving Toward Non-Striving with Mindfulness and Awareness
Andrea Hemmer Andrea Hemmer

Striving Toward Non-Striving with Mindfulness and Awareness

How do we know when to act and when to let go? When to push for something, whether it’s toward a goal, an achievement, an aspiration, and when to relax and find ease? As humans we are conditioned to stay busy. When we are not doing anything we feel like we are wasting a day. For example, we work so hard to be able to go on vacation and take mental breaks, yet as quickly as we get time away, we feel guilty or uncomfortable doing nothing. When we are not moving, are minds are busier than ever searching for what we could do to feel “productive.” How do we know when to move and when to just be? Mindfulness training and awareness are the keys to finding balance between striving and non-striving.

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Daily Awareness for Leaving a Powerful Legacy and Imprint in this Life
Andrea Hemmer Andrea Hemmer

Daily Awareness for Leaving a Powerful Legacy and Imprint in this Life

Each day our actions and words create a ripple effect in this world. Have you ever taken a moment to consider the impact you’re making on the world, and how you will have impacted it and others when you’re gone? What would others share about you at your funeral? For some this is uncomfortable to think about, however these questions create important insights you can embrace now for a more meaningful life that touches others. Daily awareness is a tool that will help you leave a powerful legacy in life.

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Ground Your Wondering Mind with Mindfulness
Andrea Hemmer Andrea Hemmer

Ground Your Wondering Mind with Mindfulness

Did you know that your mind’s desire to wonder is its default mode? Having a sense of wonder can inspire or hinder us, and the determining factor is mindfulness. Through conscious intention and awareness, we become empowered to choose and create a life that is open to possibility rooted in the positive aspects of wonder.

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Understanding Your Unmet Needs
Andrea Hemmer Andrea Hemmer

Understanding Your Unmet Needs

Try this thought on for a moment: Reflect on the last time you were in a conversation and started feeling upset or angry. Was the person you were conversing with taking over the conversational space, or not listening to you? Were you excited to share your ideas, only to be overshadowed by someone blurting out all their ideas in a one-sided speech? Now take a step back into the present. Ask yourself: What did I need during that interaction that I did not receive? Perhaps you needed to be heard, and not being heard created a feeling of anger. Using curiosity, you can better understand your unmet needs and how to satisfy them.

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Self-Awareness Leads to Self-Regulation
Andrea Hemmer Andrea Hemmer

Self-Awareness Leads to Self-Regulation

Do you ever feel like your emotions sweep you away and that you have very little control over how long they have a hold over you? For most people, this is a very common pattern. It leads to unhealthy thoughts, limiting beliefs, and sometimes hopelessness as we worry that we’re too emotional and have no control over this. In fact, the reality is that self-awareness leads to self-regulation.

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Change Your Life by Raising Your Standards
Andrea Hemmer Andrea Hemmer

Change Your Life by Raising Your Standards

Have you ever heard that to change your life you need to raise your standards? And have you ever wondered what your standards are, how you created them and more importantly, how you can raise them?

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Words Carry Energy, Power and Meaning
Andrea Hemmer Andrea Hemmer

Words Carry Energy, Power and Meaning

Words have the power to support and encourage us as we strive for our biggest dreams, and they also have the power to stop us in our tracks before taking the first steps toward all that we want in life. When we’re born and begin learning to navigate the world, we pick up on energy, non-verbal cues and the words that are happening all around us. This is part of our human development and becomes a significant piece of who we are today, as adults. It’s surprising how little focus and awareness there is about the influence of these factors in our lives from such a young age. There is incredible power, meaning and energy in words and how we all use them, with ourselves and toward others.

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Cultivate Your Mental Toughness with Mindfulness and Healthy Daily Habits
Andrea Hemmer Andrea Hemmer

Cultivate Your Mental Toughness with Mindfulness and Healthy Daily Habits

What comes to mind when you hear the term mental toughness? This is a tool we can build and strengthen with regular practice to consistently feel good in our minds and bodies. It’s cultivated through our routines, learning to manage our emotions, recognizing our needs and creating healthy daily habits.

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Free Will and Great Health
Andrea Hemmer Andrea Hemmer

Free Will and Great Health

Life really is about making choices. We have free will to decide our thoughts, how we manage our lives and care for our health. No one can take that away from you. I remember when my awareness expanded while reading the book Man’s Search for Meaning and I had the realization that no one can control what we think about.

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Let Your Heart Lead the Way
Andrea Hemmer Andrea Hemmer

Let Your Heart Lead the Way

We all have big dreams and aspirations that live deep inside us. Some are known and some are waiting to come out. We can tap into our dreams and aspirations, our guiding light, by tuning into our heart center each day, and inviting it to lead the way and inform our life and leadership. You might be amazed at what it’s trying to tell you.

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