Let Your Heart Lead the Way

We all have big dreams and aspirations that live deep inside us. Some are known and some are waiting to come out. We can tap into our dreams and aspirations, our guiding light, by tuning into our heart center each day, and inviting it to lead the way and inform our life and leadership. You might be amazed at what it’s trying to tell you.

The heart center communicates our heart dreams to us; if we’re not listening, we can feel unmotivated and make poor decisions because we lack this vision that is alive within us. It’s ironic that we tend to look outside of ourselves for all the answers and directions in life, and miss the opportunity to tune into our best guidance system within: our heart.

Sometimes we hear our heart out of desperation. Forced to surrender due to grief or difficult life circumstances that bring you to your breaking point, there is no other choice but to hear your heart. This is an option many people choose, however there is a healthier way that will serve you every day, not just during the most challenging times.

I suggest making a daily practice of sitting quietly and asking your heart what is important for you to hear. What is your heart trying to communicate? Write down the thoughts that follow and take time to ponder them. As you receive this information, begin creating goals around your heart’s messages.

This is how you let your heart lead the way. It takes getting quiet, asking, and most importantly, listening. Stay in that moment of silence for a few more minutes after you feel your mind telling you to get up. This might be uncomfortable for you. Quiet the mind by reminding it that when you’re uncomfortable, you’re growing.

With daily practice, you will begin hearing your heart’s messages clearly, your dreams and aspirations will emerge, and you can use your inner guidance system to lead you through life!

Moment of Introspection & Leadership:

Daily Mindfulness practices, such as tuning into your heart space, have tremendous benefits when practiced just five minutes a day. These practices are a natural way to lower stress and anxiety levels and can help avoid the need for doctors and pharmacies to manage life’s day-to-day stress. These practices are available to everyone and cost nothing. We all have five minutes each day to do something meaningful and healing for ourselves. Tap into your inner guide at any time, any day of the week or year!

Your gifts, talents and heart’s desires keep you connected to your purpose. Getting quiet daily is the key to a meaningful life.”

— Andrea Hemmer


What is your experience like when you close your eyes and tune into your heart center?

When was the last time you did something that made you uncomfortable? What was it and what did you learn from it?


What would it look like if we let our hearts lead the way today as a team?


Free Will and Great Health


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