Free Will and Great Health

Life really is about making choices. We have free will to decide our thoughts, how we manage our lives and care for our health. No one can take that away from you. I remember when my awareness expanded while reading the book Man’s Search for Meaning and I had the realization that no one can control what we think about.

When I began to get more curious about my way of thinking I realized very quickly that my thoughts create my reality and influence my perception of life. We all hold this power, and it’s an important realization to consider and utilize.

If you are a dreamer and write your dreams down so they’re in front of you, you have more clarity around the decisions and choices you make each day and for your future. One topic I think about often is my health. I know my body needs to be healthy for it to carry me to all the places I aspire to go and the impact I hope to make in the world.

Take the time to think about the topics on your mind and how they affect you now and as your future self, and write them down. Where could you make 10% shifts that would make a big impact in your life now and in the future? How can you make a 10% shift to support your greatest health? When we make space each day to consider and write these down, compound interest adds up and contributes to us feeling great.

Moment of Introspection & Leadership:

Take an inventory of how you feel each day. I like to rate my day on a scale of 1-10 each morning. How are you feeling emotionally, physically and spiritually? Once you rate yourself, ask what a 10% shift in one of these areas could make your morning or evening routine closer to a 10.

Experiment with this. Celebrate your “feel-good” days. Cultivate gratitude each day as you are making a difference in peoples’ lives through your work. Make adjustments if you feel unmotivated, unwell, tired or have a habit of being inconsistent and not present at work. These are signs that your body is trying to get your attention.

A way I build routines that support physical and mental toughness is making sure each morning and night, I am doing things that support better sleep, nutrition, rest and movement. What routines will you build to maximize your greatest health?

I am realistic - I expect miracles.”

— Dr. Wayne Dyer


What would you do if you knew you wouldn’t fail?

What are your favorite nightly and morning rituals that support your healthy future self?


What is the difference between choice and chance?


What Do You Love? The Intersection of Falling in Love with Your Work, Success and Fulfillment


Let Your Heart Lead the Way