What Do You Love? The Intersection of Falling in Love with Your Work, Success and Fulfillment

Did you know that a majority of people do work they are good at, but don’t love, instead of the work they’re great at AND love? This is a sad fact, as these are drastically different situations that affect us deeply. It is entirely possible to love your work, find success and experience fulfillment. I would love to invite you to take a look at your day-to-day responsibilities and your work. If I asked you if you LOVE what you do on a daily basis, how would you respond? Do you love the way you spend the majority of your time?

There’s no need to feel stressed if you answer “No” to these questions. This is the first step to raising your awareness and realizing it’s possible to make changes. Take the time to write out your day-to-day responsibilities and categorize them two ways: what you love and are good at, and what you’re good at but don’t love.

When you get a clearer picture of how you spend your time and have it in front of you, ask yourself what you would do if anything was possible. Is there someone in your life with whom you can talk about this topic to help you move in the direction of doing what you love?

Falling in love with what we do on a daily basis is possible for everyone. It requires time, creativity, an open mind, and courage. Hiring a trusted Life Coach is a great way to access additional resources, gain clarity, and move closer to the work you love.

Moment of Introspection & Leadership:

It’s no accident that I’m fortunate to be in a place of loving so much of what I do. There’s a pattern of consistently checking in with my aspirations and embracing honesty and curiosity in coaching sessions that has led me here and continues to evolve. I remember a couple years ago after starting my business when my coach asked me to write out everything I did on a day-to-day basis and rate each task and responsibility on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being the things I least liked and 10 being those tasks I loved most. This exercise stays with me seven years later as I consider what I want to grow and develop in my career now!

This coaching session was one of the seeds that was planted and inspired me to write my book Intelligent Huddles. I remember when I wrote the phrase “leading huddles” on that sheet and rated it a 10 with a heart next to it! I’m so grateful for this exercise and want to share it with you so you can implement this assessment in your life and work.

I learned through some of my certifications with Daniel Goleman’s team that “the key to any beneficial change is through our awareness,” something I now know deep within that fuels me and what I love doing every day! Doing what we love is possible for all of us!

To be successful, the first thing to do is fall in love with your work.”

— Mary Lauretta


How do you love spending your free time?

What would make you love your job more?


What do you love the most about being part of this team?


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