What You Give, You Get: Embracing the Universal Law through Intention and Positivity

One of the primary laws of the universe is “What you give, you get.” I like to look at this as the power of reciprocity! An easy way to start working with this law is to set a morning intention each day. I set mine around something positive. Today my intention is to be kind, creative and full of light energy to share with those I meet. This is the first step in my day to send positivity out into the universe.

We wake up each morning with an elevated level of cortisol, the stress hormone which raises our body’s survival response: fight, flight, freeze, appease. If you’ve focused on your first thoughts when you wake, you’ve probably noticed they can tend to be somewhat negative. By changing your words you can shift toward more pleasant energy. This is why saying “thank you” as you place your feet on the floor getting out of bed can be an act of gratitude, inviting the universe to partner in bringing more positive thoughts and experiences into your day!

The second part of this practice is letting go of expectations around how the universe will deliver this energy back to you. If we have a tight grip around our expectations, and a mindset of asking when we will receive, it can induce the opposite effect. If we become rigid or embrace negative, judgmental thoughts, the flow of what comes back to us isn’t pleasant. We must stay present with our thoughts and train our minds.

Moment of Introspection & Leadership:

Mind training is a real practice, and an important exercise that research proves has significant positive impacts on our brains. We must train our minds, to avoid the opposite outcome. When we take just five minutes each morning to sit quietly and focus on love and kindness toward ourselves, others and those who have wronged us, we begin to massage the prefrontal cortex, the region in our minds that houses compassion, creativity, trust, wisdom and insight.

This practice also plays an important part in how we experience our inner and outer worlds. By taking the time to strengthen this region, we process information with a broader lens and a more reasoning mind.

The best workout for your mind is sitting for just five minutes each day and focusing on good feelings and thoughts. Try these steps to get started:

  1. Be kind to yourself. At first it can take a few tries to start feeling the positive thoughts and feelings come to the surface.

  2. Write down a positive statement and/or a positive intention each morning. Even if your current energy isn’t feeling it, writing it anyway will have an impact.

  3. Commit to doing this practice every day. Push through the hard days and keep going.

  4. Remember that this is a universal law and the universe has your back. Put out positive energy and kindness, and you will get it back in return.

Training your mind leads to a more fulfilling life!

Train your mind to see the good in everything.”

— Paul Walker


What random act of kindness have you done recently that made you feel good?

What gesture have you received from a stranger that made you feel cared for, and surprised you?


What would you love to give and receive from the team today?


Cultivate Your Mental Toughness with Mindfulness and Healthy Daily Habits


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