Words Carry Energy, Power and Meaning
Andrea Hemmer Andrea Hemmer

Words Carry Energy, Power and Meaning

Words have the power to support and encourage us as we strive for our biggest dreams, and they also have the power to stop us in our tracks before taking the first steps toward all that we want in life. When we’re born and begin learning to navigate the world, we pick up on energy, non-verbal cues and the words that are happening all around us. This is part of our human development and becomes a significant piece of who we are today, as adults. It’s surprising how little focus and awareness there is about the influence of these factors in our lives from such a young age. There is incredible power, meaning and energy in words and how we all use them, with ourselves and toward others.

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Cultivate Your Mental Toughness with Mindfulness and Healthy Daily Habits
Andrea Hemmer Andrea Hemmer

Cultivate Your Mental Toughness with Mindfulness and Healthy Daily Habits

What comes to mind when you hear the term mental toughness? This is a tool we can build and strengthen with regular practice to consistently feel good in our minds and bodies. It’s cultivated through our routines, learning to manage our emotions, recognizing our needs and creating healthy daily habits.

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What You Give, You Get: Embracing the Universal Law through Intention and Positivity
Andrea Hemmer Andrea Hemmer

What You Give, You Get: Embracing the Universal Law through Intention and Positivity

One of the primary laws of the universe is “What you give, you get.” I like to look at this as the power of reciprocity! An easy way to start working with this law is to set a morning intention each day. I set mine around something positive. Today my intention is to be kind, creative and full of light energy to share with those I meet. This is the first step in my day to send positivity out into the universe.

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