What Do You Love? The Intersection of Falling in Love with Your Work, Success and Fulfillment
Andrea Hemmer Andrea Hemmer

What Do You Love? The Intersection of Falling in Love with Your Work, Success and Fulfillment

Did you know that a majority of people do work they are good at, but don’t love, instead of the work they’re great at AND love? This is a sad fact, as these are drastically different situations that affect us deeply. It is entirely possible to love your work, find success and experience fulfillment. I would love to invite you to take a look at your day-to-day responsibilities and your work. If I asked you if you LOVE what you do on a daily basis, how would you respond? Do you love the way you spend the majority of your time?

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Conversation and Communication: Words Are Powerful
Andrea Hemmer Andrea Hemmer

Conversation and Communication: Words Are Powerful

Conversation is our greatest tool to connect with others. Our words and non-verbal cues can either enhance or diminish our connections, through communication. They either build trust or create distrust. It would have been so helpful and life-changing if we had known from a young age the power our words hold. What we do with them and how we use them matters.

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Leadership: Heart & Mindfulness
Andrea Hemmer Andrea Hemmer

Leadership: Heart & Mindfulness

Have you ever thought about where you lead from in your leadership? What if you had an intention every day to lead your life and leadership with your heart first and then your head? Mindfulness is key. Leading from your heart requires your awareness and faith to thrive in this unique intelligence system.

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The Story Behind GEMS: Gratitude, Experience, Meaning, Self-Reflection
Andrea Hemmer Andrea Hemmer

The Story Behind GEMS: Gratitude, Experience, Meaning, Self-Reflection

In the work I do to mindfully lead, coach and teach leaders, I shine an awareness on the lessons we all encounter on our life’s journeys. You have the power to embrace these lessons, recognize their impact in your life and through introspection, process these lessons through journaling and other tools. These lessons are GEMS.

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