The Story Behind GEMS: Gratitude, Experience, Meaning, Self-Reflection

In the work I do to mindfully lead, coach and teach leaders, I shine an awareness on the lessons we all encounter on our life’s journeys. You have the power to embrace these lessons, recognize their impact in your life and through introspection, process these lessons through journaling and other tools. These lessons are GEMS. I chose this word because of what it represents to me:





I believe we find our gems in the moments when we are in a state of gratitude, having an experience or finding true meaning in something. We have an opportunity to see gems in our lives every day if we practice setting an intention to look and notice them.

Gems are found untouched in nature and in a polished state, made beautiful by the energy they hold. They make us feel good. Have you noticed this when holding a gem?

Think on this for a moment: during your most challenging times, you look to the people around you for support as they show empathy and compassion. They help you lean into gratitude, give you a hug and offer a gift such as encouraging words. These gems create a shift in perspective, causing you to see new meaning in the challenge you’re facing. These are the gems that are available to us if we notice and pick them up along the way in life.

We are constantly giving and receiving, through every experience, conversation, interaction and thought process, when we’re alone and with others. GEMS are the pieces of inspiration that you give and receive. They can come to us during all sorts of moments:

  • in a conversation

  • reading a book

  • listening to someone or something

  • observing an act of kindness

  • a moment of clarity in meditation

  • in a quote

  • being there for a friend

  • having an experience

This is the story of why I want to bring you GEMS each week. My hope is that they will offer you insights, inspiration and that you will share them with those you love and the world in some way. The gems we give and gather make us sparkle even more and add light and beauty to the world.

Moment of Introspection & Leadership:

When we’re faced with adversity and discomfort, some of the most significant growth-filled gems will surface. Have you noticed this?

Recently I faced an unexpected challenging and emotional situation that affected me deeply. It took time as I moved through the experience to absorb, process, reflect and begin excavating the gems that it presented. Though it was painful and brought up deep grief for me, I was committed to asking: what is my inner guidance sharing or telling me? How do I work through this moment?

I was able to meditate, journal and sit with the hurt, and I discovered that I was becoming more resilient in those moments because of the work and the gems that I’ve gathered and embraced along the way in my life’s journey.

When I sat down to write and process in my trusted MiGOALS journal, I found this quote by Rumi: “The art of knowing is knowing what to ignore.” This message supported me in that moment, helping me move through the challenge. It was a gem.

In your journaling, I invite you to begin noticing the gems you receive in life and embracing their messages and lessons.


What are your greatest Gems you give to the world?

What was the greatest Gem you have received lately?


What do you appreciate the most about our company culture?

As you contemplate your own introspection, what do these GEMS, gratitude, experience, meaning and self-reflection, mean to you? What roles do they play in your own brand of leadership and in your daily journey? I invite you to spend some time journaling on this, and see what you discover.


Gratitude for Meditation


Weekly Gems with Dre: Preparing to Thrive in Life & Leadership