Weekly Gems with Dre: Preparing to Thrive in Life & Leadership

In my work, leaders frequently ask me about the best practices and habits that make leaders successful. Today I want to dive deeper and help you make the leap in all parts of your life.

As a leader, it starts with YOU. It’s important to consider that your success is intricately tied to the team members of your organization.

I love reflecting on this quote by Paulo Coelho when thinking of the qualities of a great leader: “The world is changed by your example, not your opinion.”

You know that how you show up is vitally important. But have you thought about how you prepare for showing up? What aspects of yourself do you work on and build as you prepare to inspire and teach others? If you’re not at your best and most inspired self, it will be difficult to achieve your goals with your teams, your business and in your life. Keep this in mind: The team members of your organization will never have more energy or excitement for something than you. How you show up prepared makes an enormous impact.

Below I’ve shared some introspection for you to consider and experiment with as you refine how you prepare to thrive in business and life, as you grow your teams and teach them how to succeed.

I believe there are five areas to look at as you prepare. An example of this would be asking yourself, “How am I fueling myself daily to have my best energy?” Are you thinking about the nourishment you’re giving yourself each day? Does it support your best energy?

Then, look to see which best habits you need to create to have this fuel consistently. Use the two Discovery Questions below as you go through the areas of your life and work, and note where you can make a shift. This is how I believe you prepare to be your best self each day!

Moment of Introspection & Leadership:

Are you ready? You cultivate mental toughness by strengthening your mental, emotional and physical self. Mental toughness is our way to thrive in leadership, not just survive. Here are the five areas that cultivate mental toughness when setting new goals and making change in your organization. Having a daily practice and healthy routines to support these areas will ensure strength in goal setting, decision making and bringing more joy into your life.

  • Mindful Fuel

  • Mindful Sleep

  • Mindful Rest

  • Mindful Move

  • Mindful Connect (with self and others)


What habit am I ready to let go of that is no longer serving me?

What new habit could I replace it with that would support me greatly?


What could we focus on as a team today that would support growth and new successes?


The Story Behind GEMS: Gratitude, Experience, Meaning, Self-Reflection


Develop Your Leadership, Personal Awareness & Relationship with Self & Others