Manifesting More of What You Want in Your Life

With each new year we feel a burst of inspiration and a fresh perspective for the positive changes we’re going to make in our lives. Let’s turn the focus to practices such as manifesting and journaling, instead of resolutions. Many of us were taught from a young age that resolutions are the way to implement this change. However, research shows that by day 11, the momentum runs dry and we’re left feeling defeated and guilty for not being able to stay true to these resolutions. This perceived failure actually has the opposite effect than what we intended: negative belief systems are created around goal setting and commitment, which aren’t necessarily true.

Does this sound familiar to you? I recall how memories of my failed New Year’s resolutions in the past made me resistant to setting useful goals the next year. I began considering a new belief system to this old tradition, but it still felt like unhealthy resistance and not how I wanted to welcome the new year in healthy, hopeful ways.

Later in life I learned more about the power of our thoughts, and how our thoughts are the way we manifest more of what we want in our lives. And now, since implementing practices based on the power of our thoughts, starting the new year feels exciting and positive!

You can create your own new and unique New Year’s rituals with some simple, effective practices that help you set healthy goals and make positive changes.

  • Get crystal clear about how you’re showing up, and how you can make any shifts necessary to achieve new dreams and aspirations.

  • Journal about your biggest accomplishments and lessons learned from the past year, and those you want to achieve this new year.

  • Set a theme for the coming year, an affirmation that will support your focus and attention throughout the year.

  • Our biggest dreams require big actions. The largest distractions to our goals and dreams are our emotions. The more we can learn to manage them, the more we can stay focused and accomplish.

  • This is the key to manifesting: We manifest whatever is in our point of focus, where we place our attention. Make sure you’re focusing on what you want to bring into your life.

My theme for 2023 is "Detach from the outcome, lean into more faith, and let go of fear.” This year I aspire to speak in front of new audiences and host a spiritual, personal and professional retreat. Stay tuned!

Moment of Introspection & Leadership:

One of my biggest aspirations is helping others become clear on what they want more of in life and what they want to attract into their lives. Clarity, directing our thoughts and preparing ourselves to act and allow these things to come to us is key to manifesting. There are two ways to achieve this:

  1. Understanding and accepting that we need contrast in our lives. This is how we get clear on what we like and dislike. Both the process of creating and our desires come from contrast.

  2. Write down your aspirations. Our minds and hearts have so much they want to say to us; our job is getting quiet enough to hear them. Take time for yourself today and every day to slow down and listen to your heart. Ask your heart, “If you could share one desire with me, what would it be?” Write it down. This might be challenging the first few times you try it, and you might not hear anything as you begin learning how to tune in and listen. I assure you that with daily practice, your heart’s voice will become loud enough for you to hear!I’d love to share an exercise for you to try that’s guaranteed to bring good-feeling energy into your holidays.

“We create our world through our thoughts.”

— Buddha


What is your theme for 2023?

What is one of your crystal clear aspirations for 2023?


What is most important for our team to accomplish in 2023?


Managing Our Waves of Emotions to Become a Super Attractor


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