Spring Cleaning Your Beliefs: Challenge Your Thoughts to Change Your Life

Do you realize that a belief is just a thought that you repeatedly keep thinking? And that these thought patterns-turned-beliefs become hardwired over time when you don’t challenge them? As a result, you hold onto beliefs that do not serve you and hold you back in life. By changing your beliefs and challenging your thoughts, you can change your life.

When you use curiosity and direct your full attention to your beliefs, you have the power to change them and shift your life. For example, when you have commonly held beliefs such as “I have always been like this,” or “I’ve always been told to do this,” you can allow them to continue, or you can focus your attention and get curious.

Ask yourself: Is this true? When did I start to believe this about myself? How is this belief currently serving me? These questions challenge your internal beliefs. Remember, unchecked thoughts and beliefs become pain points in life that hold us back.

Our beliefs shape our reality. The greatest part of becoming aware of them is that you have the power to change so they begin serving you and your goals. Awareness is the key to creating beneficial change in life. Pay attention and write down your recurring beliefs that repeat in your mind. Get curious. You are the only one giving these outdated beliefs power, and you can give that same power to new, beneficial beliefs that support your ideal life.

Moment of Introspection & Leadership:

When I was in my early 20s, I remember telling myself and others that I was a night owl and would never be a morning person. As I started developing fitness goals to become stronger, I kept hanging on to that old belief; it was hardwired into me and began causing me grief as it conflicted with my aspirations and goals of becoming more fit.

It wasn’t until my awareness shifted and I asked myself, “Is it possible to change my nighttime and morning routines to support an earlier wake up time?” that I was able to begin shifting this old belief and wake up incrementally earlier each day. I started with 20 minutes and over time I began waking up six hours earlier! Where I used to wake at 10 AM, I now rise between 4-5:00 AM. I am no longer a night person; I am an early riser and I love it!

Using determination and discipline, some thoughts and actions can change almost immediately, and others take a little more time. Just know that it’s possible to change your beliefs to partner with who you are aspiring to become.

You are what you believe yourself to be.”

— Paulo Coelho


What belief of yourself do you aspire to challenge and change?

What is a belief of yours that is supporting you in your life right now in a positive way?


What is a new collective belief we could challenge and evolve into that would support our growth?


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