Redefining Self-Care: It’s More Than Just a Day at the Spa!
Andrea Hemmer Andrea Hemmer

Redefining Self-Care: It’s More Than Just a Day at the Spa!

In our fast-paced lives, we often believe that self-care requires expensive spa visits or time we simply don't have. But let's challenge that notion together. Self-care isn't just about extravagant treats; it's a mindset and a series of small, meaningful actions that can make a world of difference. Redefining self-care as a daily practice has a significant ripple effect in how we feel and show up each day to achieve our dreams.

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Change Your Life by Raising Your Standards
Andrea Hemmer Andrea Hemmer

Change Your Life by Raising Your Standards

Have you ever heard that to change your life you need to raise your standards? And have you ever wondered what your standards are, how you created them and more importantly, how you can raise them?

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Using Curiosity to Celebrate Your Wins and Avoid Self-Sabotage
Andrea Hemmer Andrea Hemmer

Using Curiosity to Celebrate Your Wins and Avoid Self-Sabotage

Most people carry around beliefs that they are not enough. Do you have thoughts like this that lead to feelings of overwhelm, like you’re not doing enough, and result in self-sabotage? You’re not alone. It’s difficult to resist feeling stressed and even depressed when witnessing others around us doing great things in their lives, let alone celebrate our wins. Curiosity is a tool we can embrace to shift our focus from comparing and feeling inadequate, to becoming more present in life and capturing what we’re doing that IS working.

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Spring Cleaning Your Beliefs: Challenge Your Thoughts to Change Your Life
Andrea Hemmer Andrea Hemmer

Spring Cleaning Your Beliefs: Challenge Your Thoughts to Change Your Life

Do you realize that a belief is just a thought that you repeatedly keep thinking? And that these thought patterns-turned-beliefs become hardwired over time when you don’t challenge them? As a result, you hold onto beliefs that do not serve you and hold you back in life. By changing your beliefs and challenging your thoughts, you can change your life.

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