Why We Avoid Difficult Conversations
Andrea Hemmer Andrea Hemmer

Why We Avoid Difficult Conversations

Have you ever felt like you’re avoiding, dreading or wishing you didn’t need to have a difficult conversation with someone? And have you ever stopped to think about why this is a topic you’d rather put off than face head-on? The primary reason is because as humans, we don’t want to hurt another human. We hold a belief that some part of what we need to say could be hurtful to the other person. However, the real truth is that not being honest about our feelings is what hurts others most and damages trust in the long run. What conversation do you know you must have, but are avoiding with someone close to you?

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Filler Words: How the Patterns in Our Speech Affect Our Connections
Andrea Hemmer Andrea Hemmer

Filler Words: How the Patterns in Our Speech Affect Our Connections

Filler words might seem innocuous, but they are far from it. We all speak in patterns and though these words are common in peoples’ conversations, they are blind spots that break down connection. This results in those conversing feeling unheard and misunderstood. The only way to change this is by becoming aware of your patterns and interrupting them.

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Prime Your Conversational Spaces for Increased Trust, Connection and Success
Andrea Hemmer Andrea Hemmer

Prime Your Conversational Spaces for Increased Trust, Connection and Success

Every conversation happens in time and space. Something you might not have been taught is that we have more control in this space than we think. Priming your conversational space is the preparation that results in more successful outcomes and stronger connections in all of your conversations. Read on to learn how to implement these tools for greater trust, connection, success and conversational outcomes.

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