Journaling to Uncover Your Patterns and Signals for Great Communication
The relationships in our lives shape us and our realities. We therefore all have a responsibility to bring our best selves to the moments we connect with each other, such as our conversational spaces. When we’re conscious about how we show up and monitor these behaviors regularly through journaling and awareness, we continue learning and practicing ways to use our words and cues to make others feel seen, heard and connected. Our patterns and signals dictate the greatness of our communications.
Filler Words: How the Patterns in Our Speech Affect Our Connections
Filler words might seem innocuous, but they are far from it. We all speak in patterns and though these words are common in peoples’ conversations, they are blind spots that break down connection. This results in those conversing feeling unheard and misunderstood. The only way to change this is by becoming aware of your patterns and interrupting them.