Leading with Aspiration in Your Life and Leadership

As we come into the first week of the new year, I want to share with you the power of your aspirations. Aspirations are bigger than goals; they are dreams we have living inside us, waiting to be discovered by our awareness. Our awareness is a tool that can be used, much like a mantra, to call more of what we want into our lives.

During the first week of a new year, it can be common to feel more confusion than clarity as you witness people talking about their New Year’s resolutions or goals. I’ve experienced this sense of confusion at the beginning of the new year in the past when I wasn’t feeling clarity around my own new year journey. I felt overwhelmed and a bit lost. This can be a familiar pattern throughout life, not just at the start of a new year.

A way we can break these patterns and start new ones is tuning into our aspirations. Our aspirations are our heart’s desires, things we have never done before. When we create our vision and set our goals around aspirations, we become rooted in our “why,” and we’re more meaningful in our actions and decision making. This practice can help you remove blind spots when setting goals, creating a clear vision about your aspirations, resulting in more of what you want in your life in the new year and beyond!

Additional resource: In my book, Intelligent Huddles, I share more about aspirations and goals in Chapter 4: It Starts with You. Click below for a link to my book!

Moment of Introspection & Leadership:

So, how do you discover your aspirations? It’s actually quite easy and it’s available to everyone! Here’s what you need to do:

  • Find a quiet time in your day when you have the most energy, feel most at peace, and when your best ideas show up.

  • Sit undistracted with a pen and paper.

  • Close your eyes and start to take a few deep breaths; let your breath anchor you into the moment.

  • Start chanting to yourself, “What do I want more of in life? What do I want life to bring me?”

  • Do this for 5-15 minutes placing focus on your heart.

  • Open your eyes and begin writing whatever comes to your mind, unedited and without judgement. Aim for 100 aspirations!

Read over your aspirations daily. Look to see which aspiration is calling your attention the loudest and start creating goals to make it a reality.

With this practice you will find that your goals become more meaningful, your actions have more intention behind them, and your decision making becomes stronger. Life will take on more meaning! Watch as you begin noticing the universal law of attraction bringing forth more of what you want in your life, as more of your vision and desires are revealed!

“Within our dreams and aspirations we find out opportunities.”

— Sugar Ray Leonard


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