Higher-Quality Conversations Lead to Greater Relationships and Connection with Self and Others

My focus lately is on transforming the quality of our conversations. It’s common to read a message or a blog about a topic and tuck the info away, likely to be forgotten in our world of information overload. As we know from neuroscience research and how the brain operates, exposure to new concepts takes hold with repetition. This is such a critical topic to me because how we converse is at the very heart of our connections and relationships, with self and others.

Have you ever wondered about the quality you bring to your conversations? What does quality look like within your dialogues? Signs of high-quality communications include leaving the exchange feeling inspired, heard, seen, like you learned something new, and feeling good. I’d like to break down the simple steps you can employ to elevate your conversations, so they are impactful in these ways and consistently hit the mark.

  1. Make an effort to be more interested than appearing interesting. To succeed, stay curious and actively listen with the intent to connect with the other person.

  2. Ask questions to which you do not already know the answers. Though it’s common practice to ask questions to validate what we already know or what we hope the other participant will say, this is not a best practice for our desired outcome.

  3. Focus on the environment you are in. All conversations happen in time and space. It’s important to ensure you both have the time to engage in a way that builds deeper connection.

Conversations are the bridge to cultivating greater relationships and connections in our lives. By learning to manage impulses and following the above steps, you will ensure you’re sharing information with ideal timing in a primed space for optimal communication, bridging gaps and emerging feeling good!

Moment of Introspection & Leadership:

Over time I have learned and practiced the importance of effectively preparing for productive, positive conversations. This step is essential to ensure that communications have the impact you intend from the start. Your intuition can provide valuable information about proper timing and creating space that is free of conflict, two factors that greatly affect the outcome.

Recently I found my thoughts ruminating when I needed to address an important matter with a co-worker. My intuition was telling me to slow down and deconstruct the most valuable points, which would help support a conversational space filled with empathy and understanding. My preparation included taking time to listen and journal; I turned my awareness to how I would enter the space and check in throughout to ensure our communication was free of conflict. My intention was to find our reality gap so we could move forward together, feeling safe to share what we were both experiencing.

Because of these preparations and awareness around priming our space, this conversation had a beautiful outcome. This experience is another validation for me of how important it is to take time to set conversations up for the right time and space, ensuring greater connection and positive outcomes.

Connection is why we are here, it brings meaning and purpose to our lives.”

Brené Brown


How do you best prepare for your conversations?

What are the most common ways your open up your conversations?


What would it look like for us to elevate our conversations at work?


Interrupting Negative Thought Patterns: Using Words to Shift Limiting Beliefs for a Healthier, Happier Life


Words Carry Energy, Power and Meaning